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Terms and Conditions

Children’s Weekly Swimming Lessons


Covid-19 Guidance

  1. Face coverings and social distancing will no longer be mandatory but optional. Please respect others during this time.


(A) Teaching Policies, Procedures and Parental Responsibilities

  1. All Swim School of Oxfordshire Teachers are Swim England level 1 & 2 qualified and have current enhanced DBS checks before they are allowed to teach.

  2. Swim Teachers will take responsibility for pupils during their swimming lessons, but parents /guardians are required to remain on site so that if required the parent / guardian can deal with toilet breaks or any behavioural issues. Swim School of Oxfordshire staff will NOT take pupils to the toilet.

  3. Parents/guardians of children (under 10) must remain on the premises whilst the pupil is attending their swimming lessons. This is imperative in case of the unlikely event of a medical emergency, building evacuation or other emergency situation.

  4. Parents/guardians must never distract the teacher during a lesson and should direct all communication through the Swimming Coordinator (if available) or speak to the teacher after the lesson time. If this is not appropriate, please contact the company via email and someone will respond as soon as possible.

  5. There is limited parking at the Oxford High School venue (Belbroughton Road, OX2 6XA) and free parking at Oxford University Sport centre.

  6. Please arrive no more than 10minutes before your child’s lesson is due to begin.

  7. Pupils can be refused entry to the lesson if they are more than 5 minutes late for a class, as it disrupts the lesson for the other pupils.


(B) Changing Facilities

  1. There are separate Male and Female Changing rooms are available to use before the lessons for swimmers to get change. 

  2. Swimmers under the age of 8years old must use the changing room of the accompanying parent unless they can get changed by themselves in the appropriate changing room or to use Village area (at OUS only). There Group change options available at Oxford High School. Swimmers aged 8years and over must use the gender appropriate changing or village cubicle area. 

  3. We do advise arriving 'Swim Ready' where possible to speed up the start of the lesson and reduce numbers waiting for changing room space.

  4. We ask that swimmers vacate the changing room no more than 10minutes after the lesson time..

  5. All swimmers must remain supervised at all times whilst in the changing area.

  6. Not outdoor shoes are permitted on poolside or in the changing area.

(C) Pupil Illness

1.        If you, your child or a member of your family is unwell, please do not attend the lesson and let us know.

(D) Swimming Lesson Programme

  1. Our ‘Learn to Swim’ programme classes are held over a 30-minute timeslot which includes time to take registers.

  2. Pupil to Teacher ratios developed in line with Swim England guidelines.

  3. Swim School of Oxfordshire reserves the right to combine classes at short notice if necessary.

(E) Swimming Lesson Dress Code & Hygiene

  1. All children should wear appropriate clothing; swimming costumes and trunks are a must. These should be tight fitting to reduce drag in the water. Swim Nappies are not permitted in the pool. We ask that all swimmers are toilet trained prior to attending lessons to minimise the risk of a pool contamination.

  2. Additional layers such as swim tops and wetsuits are allowed providing they do not hinder the swimmer’s ability in the water.

  3. Goggles and swimming hats are optional.

  4. No jewellery to be worn during the swimming lessons. This includes necklaces, earrings, watches ect. Religious items may be worn providing they are not a hazard the individual swimmer or other swimmers in the class.

(F) Pupil Progression

  1. All pupils on the ‘learn to swim’ programme work towards the “SWIM ENGLAND Learn to Swim Framework” consisting of levels 1-10.

  2. Joining pupils will be assessed during their first lesson and may be moved into an appropriate class if it is deemed necessary.

  3. Swim Teachers continually assess all pupils’ progression throughout the term using our poolside Tablets.

  4. Progression of all pupils will be at the judgment of the Swim Teachers and in accordance with the progression within the criteria of the “SWIM ENGLAND Learn to Swim Framework”

  5. Pupils will be moved up to the next class when they meet the skills criteria required and if there is adequate room in the next Stage for movement to the next Stage.

  6. Upon completion of a Stage, the parent / guardian will be contacted explaining that the child is ready to move up to the next Stage.

  7. Due to the continuous progressive nature of our programme, and the variety of ability levels within each session, we cannot guarantee a specific time slot on progression, as a space within the next stage may not always be immediately available. 

  8. We offer free badges and certificates for swimmers that have passed a level.


(G) Swimming Lesson Payment

  1. All fees for swimming lessons must be paid in advance of the lessons.

  2. Initial payments for lessons are taken at time of booking through the website

  3. Payments with be month pro-rata. For example, if there are 4 weeks within the month, you will pay for 4 lessons. Invoices are automatically sent two weeks prior to the next block of lessons with payment required prior to starting the next month.

  4. Payments will be automatically taken if you have a saved card on your parent portal account. To opt out you can remove your card which will then require a manual payment

  5. Payments can be monitored and paid through your Parent Portal.

  6. We ask for 4 weeks’ notice in writing for the cancellation of a Swim School place.

  7. Failure to provide the full notice period to cancel your Swim School place may result in Swim School of Oxfordshire sending additional invoices for lessons.

  8. Swim School of Oxfordshire reserve the right to change the price of swimming lessons at any time.  Customers will be notified in writing with at least 10 working days’ notice of any change.

  9. For any unpaid invoices, Swim School of Oxfordshire reserves the right to restrict access to the lessons until a suitable payment has been made for the payment.  Under these circumstances Swim School of Oxfordshire will not guarantee the same space on the existing lesson.

  10. Payments include one lesson per week at the agreed Stage of lessons and all badges and certificates.

  11. Swimmers booked onto Weekly Lessons are also entitled to a discounted offer on our Holiday clubs holidays.

  12. We offer a starting 10% discount on sibling bookings


(H) Changing and Moving Lesson

  1. You may request a change of time, day or Swim Teachers and we will try to accommodate your request, provided a space is available.  

  2. Swimming ability and speed of progression will vary depending upon the swimmer.

  3. Children’s swimming lessons are generally divided into ability, although age and size is also taken into account. Swim School of Oxfordshire do not guarantee that siblings and friends will be in the same class.

(I) Pool Closure and Cancelled swimming lessons

  1. In the event of a pool closure we will make every attempt to contact our customers as soon as possible. Please monitor emails as they may be sent to ‘Junk’.

  2. Customers paying for swimming lessons will be provided with a credit for the lesson cancelled to be allocated against the next payment.  This will be for the value of the lesson, as advertised.

  3. Swim School of Oxfordshire do not run lessons on Bank Holidays, over school holiday (other than intensives) and also close for three weeks over the Christmas Period. You will not be charged for these lessons and your invoice will be amended to reflect the closures.

  4. Swim School of Oxfordshire reserves the right to cancel classes should numbers fall below our minimum numbers per group (50% of class capacity). If this happens you will be offered an alternative lesson of the same level.


(J) Missed Lessons

  1. Lesson fees are non-refundable where the pupil has either missed lessons or decided to withdraw from the programme altogether prior to the end of you paid period without the correct notice.

  2. Lessons run consecutively throughout the year with the exception of pool closure/lesson cancellation mentioned above.

  3. In exceptional circumstances Management may exercise discretion on refunds/credits but this would only be on production of a medical certificate or documentation from a medical centre, hospital or GP. 

  4. Any credits must be used within 6 months. 


(K) Changing Teacher

  1. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide the same instructor for each lesson within a course. However, relief instructors may be used without prior notification.

  2. We reserve the right to appoint a new teacher at any time and may, at times need to provide an alternative teacher for a class or classes due to illness or for any other unforeseen circumstances.

  3. In the event a teacher is away for a long period of time we will try to keep the same cover teacher for the time period where possible.

  4. If a teacher is absent, Swim School of Oxfordshire reserves the right to join classes together if considered appropriate and safe according to SWIM ENGLAND guidelines. We would always try to put a replacement teacher in place immediately however, if this is not manageable, we would put the classes together in order to avoid the cancellation. This would be an extremely rare occurrence as additional teachers are usually available to cover any such eventualities.

(L) Viewing

  1. Following guidance from the Oxford High School, Parents/guardians are not permitted on poolside due to the venue having to designated viewing area but can sit in the corridor area. The only exception is due to medical reasons that have been pre-authorised by the Swim School Manager.

  2. Parents will be able to sit on poolside at Oxford University Sport Centre. This will be behind the glasses area on poolside.

  3. It is difficult for the teaching staff to gain full attention from their pupils if they are being distracted; progress can be affected if children are not fully able to concentrate.  

  4. No mobile phones or cameras are permitted on poolside, in the changing facilities or group change at any period.  


(M) Behaviour & conduct

  1. Parents accept that their child is under the supervision, control and care of the Swim Teacher, during the lesson period. Should the behaviour of the child be unsatisfactory, and the class is being disrupted, the Swim Teacher has the right to remove the pupil from the class. 

  2. The teacher may employ reasonable measures as are necessary to maintain the smooth delivery of the class. We reserve the right to request that your child should be removed from classes should they persistently disrupt or are seen to be putting themselves or anyone else at risk during the class. If a child is removed under these circumstances and suitable alternatives arrangements cannot be made, no refund will be provided.


(N) Communication

  1. We like to encourage communication and welcome issues to be raised with our staff. If it is not appropriate to talk to the teacher on the day, please do contact us via email or phone on 07423778799. Email is our preferred method of communication.

  2. Parents can also contact is through their Parent Portal.

  3. All parents/guardians are required to supply us with a valid e-mail address for quick communication purposes. This is essential so that we can inform you when your child is ready to move up a stage of lessons.


Children’s Intensive Swimming Lessons

Covid-19 Guidance

  1. Face coverings and social distancing will no longer be mandatory but optional. Please respect others during this time.


(A) Teaching Policies, Procedures and Parental Responsibilities

  1. All Swim School of Oxfordshire Teachers are Swim England level 1 & 2 qualified and have current enhanced DBS checks before they are allowed to teach.

  2. Swim Teachers will take responsibility for pupils during their swimming lessons, but parents /guardians are required to remain on site so that if required the parent / guardian can deal with toilet breaks or any behavioural issues. Swim School of Oxfordshire staff will NOT take pupils to the toilet.

  3. Parents/guardians of children (under 10) must remain on the premises whilst the pupil is attending their swimming lessons. This is imperative in case of the unlikely event of a medical emergency, building evacuation or other emergency situation.

  4. Parents/guardians must never distract the teacher during a lesson and should direct all communication through the Swimming Coordinator (if available) or speak to the teacher after the lesson time. If this is not appropriate, please contact the company via email and someone will respond as soon as possible.

  5. There is limited parking at the Oxford High School venue (Belbroughton Road, OX2 6XA) and free parking at Oxford University Sport centre.

  6. Please arrive no more than 10minutes before your child’s lesson is due to begin.

  7. Pupils can be refused entry to the lesson if they are more than 5 minutes late for a class, as it disrupts the lesson for the other pupils.


(B) Changing Facilities

  1. There are separate Male and Female Changing rooms are available to use before the lessons for swimmers to get change. 

  2. We ask that swimmers arriving for the first 9.15am lesson arrive Swim Ready or use the Village area as much as possible.

  3. Swimmers under the age of 8years old must use the changing room of the accompanying parent unless they can get changed by themselves in the appropriate changing room or to use Village area (at OUS only). There Group change options available at Oxford High School. Swimmers aged 8years and over must use the gender appropriate changing or village cubicle area. 

  4. We do advise arriving 'Swim Ready' where possible to speed up the start of the lesson and reduce numbers waiting for changing room space.

  5. We ask that swimmers vacate the changing room no more than 10minutes after the lesson time..

  6. All swimmers must remain supervised at all times whilst in the changing area.

  7. Not outdoor shoes are permitted on poolside or in the changing area.


(C) Pupil Illness

  1. If you, your child or a member of your family is unwell, please do not attend the lesson and let us know.


(D) Medical Information

  1. Parents must inform us of any medical information relevant to the swimmer. This should be added at time of booking when registering details on the system. If there are any changes to medical information during a swimmers time with us, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can update our records and the pupils account.#

(E) Swimming Lesson Programme

  1. Our ‘Learn to Swim’ programme classes are held over a 30-minute timeslot which includes time to take registers.

  2. Pupil to Teacher ratios developed in line with Swim England guidelines.

  3. Swim School of Oxfordshire reserves the right to combine classes at short notice if necessary.

(F) Swimming Lesson Dress Code & Hygiene

  1. All children should wear appropriate clothing; swimming costumes and trunks are a must. These should be tight fitting to reduce drag in the water. Swim Nappies are not permitted in the pool. We ask that all swimmers are toilet trained prior to attending lessons to minimise the risk of a pool contamination.

  2. Additional layers such as swim tops and wetsuits are allowed providing they do not hinder the swimmer’s ability in the water.

  3. Goggles and swimming hats are optional.

  4. No jewellery to be worn during the swimming lessons. This includes necklaces, earrings, watches ect. Religious items may be worn providing they are not a hazard the individual swimmer or other swimmers in the class.

(G) Pupil Progression

  1. All pupils on the ‘learn to swim’ programme work towards the “SWIM ENGLAND Learn to Swim Framework” consisting of levels 1-10.

  2. Pupils will be assessed during their first lesson and may be moved into an appropriate class if it is deemed necessary for the remainder of the week intensive.

  3. Swim Teachers will cover a range of skills across the week and update a pupils’ progression using our poolside Tablets.

  4. Progression of all pupils will be at the judgment of the Swim Teachers and in accordance with the progression within the criteria of the “SWIM ENGLAND Learn to Swim Framework”

  5. We offer free badges and certificates for swimmers that have passed a level.

(H) Swimming Lesson Payment

  1. All fees for an Intensive course is taken at point of booking through our website. This payment includes the 30minute class each day for the intensive week long course.

  2. Payments include all badges and certificates.

  3. We ask for at least two weeks’ notice of cancellation prior to the intensive lessons starting in order to cancel and get a refund.

(I) Pool Closure and Cancelled swimming lessons

  1. In the event of a pool closure we will make every attempt to contact our customers as soon as possible. Please monitor emails as they may be sent to ‘Junk’.

  2. Customers paying for swimming lessons will be provided with a credit for the lesson cancelled to be allocated against weekly lessons or offered a refund for the cancelled class. This will be for the value of the lesson, as advertised.


(J) Missed Lessons

  1. Lesson fees are non-refundable where the pupil has either missed lessons or decided to withdraw from the programme altogether without the correct notice.

  2. In exceptional circumstances Management may exercise discretion on refunds/credits but this would only be on production of a medical certificate or documentation from a medical centre, hospital or GP.

(K) Changing Teacher

  1. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide the same instructor for each lesson within a course. However, relief instructors may be used without prior notification.

  2. We reserve the right to appoint a new teacher at any time and may, at times need to provide an alternative teacher for a class or classes due to illness or for any other unforeseen circumstances.

  3. If a teacher is absent, Swim School of Oxfordshire reserves the right to join classes together if considered appropriate and safe according to SWIM ENGLAND guidelines.

(L) Viewing

  1. Following guidance from the Oxford High School, Parents/guardians are not permitted on poolside due to the venue having to designated viewing area but can sit in the corridor area. The only exception to this is due to medical requirements that are pre-authorized by the Swim School Manager.

  2. Parents will be able to sit on poolside at Oxford University Sport Centre. This will be behind the glasses area on poolside.

  3. It is difficult for the teaching staff to gain full attention from their pupils if they are being distracted; progress can be affected if children are not fully able to concentrate.  

  4. No mobile phones or cameras are permitted on poolside, in the changing facilities or group change at any period.  

(M) Behaviour & conduct

  1. Parents accept that their child is under the supervision, control and care of the Swim Teacher, during the lesson period. Should the behaviour of the child be unsatisfactory, and the class is being disrupted, the Swim Teacher has the right to remove the pupil from the class. 

  2. The teacher may employ reasonable measures as are necessary to maintain the smooth delivery of the class. We reserve the right to request that your child should be removed from classes should they persistently disrupt or are seen to be putting themselves or anyone else at risk during the class. If a child is removed under these circumstances and suitable alternatives arrangements cannot be made, no refund will be provided.


(N) Communication

  1. We like to encourage communication and welcome issues to be raised with our staff. If it is not appropriate to talk to the teacher on the day, please do contact us via email or phone on 07423778799. Email is our preferred method of communication.

  2. Parents can also contact is through their Parent Portal.

  3. All parents/guardians are required to supply us with a valid e-mail address for quick communication purposes. This is essential so that we can inform you when your child is ready to move up a stage of lessons.



Adult Group Swimming Lessons


Covid-19 Guidance

  1. Face coverings and social distancing will no longer be mandatory but optional. Please respect others during this time.


(A) Teaching Policies

  1. All Swim School of Oxfordshire Teachers are Swim England level 1 & 2 qualified and have current enhanced DBS checks before they are allowed to teach.  

(B) Arrival

  1. There is free street parking at the Oxford High School venue (Belbroughton Road, OX2 6XA) and free parking at Oxford University Sport centre.

  2. Please arrive no more than 10minutes before your lesson is due to begin.

  3. Swimmers can be refused entry to the lesson if they are more than 5 minutes late for a class, as it disrupts the lesson for the other attendees

(C) Changing Facilities

  1. Changing rooms will be available to use before and after lesson although we advise that all swimmers still arrive at lessons ‘Swim Ready’ to speed up the start to lessons.

  2. Male and Female Changing facilities will be available to use before and after the lesson for swimmers to change.

  3. We ask that swimmers vacate the changing room no more than 10minutes after the lesson time..

  4. Not outdoor shoes are permitted on poolside or in the changing area.

(D) Pupil Illness

  1. If you or member of your family is unwell, please do not attend the lesson and let us know.

(E) Medical Information

  1. Swimmer must inform us of any medical information. This should be added at time of booking when registering details on the system. If there are any changes to medical information during a swimmer’s time with us, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can update our records

(F) Swimming Lesson Programme

  1. Our ‘Learn to Swim’ programme classes are held over a 30-minute timeslot which includes time to take registers.

  2. Pupil to Teacher ratios developed in line with Swim England guidelines.

  3. Swim School of Oxfordshire reserves the right to combine classes at short notice if necessary.

(G) Swimming Lesson Dress Code & Hygiene

  1. All swimmers must wear appropriate clothing; swimming costumes and trunks are a must. These should be tight fitting to reduce drag in the water.

  2. Additional layers such as swim tops are allowed providing they do not hinder the swimmer’s ability in the water.

  3. Goggles and swimming hats are optional.

  4. No jewellery to be worn during the swimming lessons. This includes necklaces, earrings, watches ect. Religious items may be worn providing they are not a hazard the individual swimmer or other swimmers in the class.

(H) Pupil Progression

  1. All swimmers will be assessed against the Swim England Adult Learn to Swim Framework

  2. Pupils will be assessed during their first lesson and may be moved into an appropriate class if it is deemed necessary for the remainder course.

  3. Swim Teachers will cover a range of skills across the course and update progression using our poolside Tablets.

  4. Progression will be at the judgment of the Swim Teachers and in accordance with the criteria.

(I) Swimming Lesson Payment

  1. All fees for the Adult Swim course is taken at point of booking through our website. This payment includes the 30minute class each day for the duration of the course. Courses are usually 10 weeks in length but this may vary and will be noted on advertising and time of booking.

  2. Payments include the one lesson per week and NO access to the swimming pools outside of the lesson time. If you would like to practice you will need to acquire a membership and follow site rules for booking. (This is at Oxford University Sport Centre only. There is no additional swimming at Oxford High)

  3. We ask for at least two weeks’ notice of cancellation prior to the Adult course of lessons starting in order to cancel and get a refund.

(J) Pool Closure and Cancelled swimming lessons

  1. In the event of a pool closure we will make every attempt to contact our customers as soon as possible. Please monitor emails as they may be sent to ‘Junk’.

  2. Customers paying for swimming lessons will be provided with a credit for the lesson cancelled to be allocated against future bookings. This will be for the value of the lesson, as advertised.


(K) Missed Lessons

  1. Lesson fees are non-refundable where the swimmer has either missed lessons or decided to withdraw from the programme altogether without the correct notice.

  2. In exceptional circumstances Management may exercise discretion on refunds/credits but this would only be on production of a medical certificate or documentation from a medical centre, hospital or GP.


(L) Changing Teacher

  1. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide the same instructor for each lesson within a course. However, relief instructors may be used without prior notification.

  2. We reserve the right to appoint a new teacher at any time and may, at times need to provide an alternative teacher for a class or classes due to illness or for any other unforeseen circumstances.

  3. If a teacher is absent, Swim School of Oxfordshire reserves the right to join classes together if considered appropriate and safe according to SWIM ENGLAND guidelines.

(M) Behaviour & conduct

  1. Please be respectful of the Swim Instructors and other Swimmers within the class.

(N) Communication

  1. We like to encourage communication and welcome issues to be raised with our staff. If it is not appropriate to talk to the teacher on the day, please do contact us via email or phone on 07423778799. Email is our preferred method of communication.

  2. All swimmers required to supply us with a valid e-mail address for quick communication purposes. 



Private Lessons


Teaching Policies

  1. All Swim School of Oxfordshire Teachers are Swim England level 1 & 2 qualified and have current enhanced DBS checks before they are allowed to teach.  

For children’s private lessons-

  1. Swim Teachers will take responsibility for pupils during their swimming lessons, but parents /guardians are required to remain on site so that if required the parent / guardian can deal with toilet breaks or any behavioural issues. Swim School of Oxfordshire staff will NOT take pupils to the toilet.

  2. Parents/guardians of children (under 10) must remain on the premises whilst the pupil is attending their swimming lessons. This is imperative in case of the unlikely event of a medical emergency, building evacuation or other emergency situation.

  3. Parents/guardians must never distract the teacher during a lesson and should direct all communication through the Swimming Coordinator (if available) or speak to the teacher after the lesson time. If this is not appropriate, please contact the company via email and someone will respond as soon as possible.

(B) Arrival

  1. There is free street parking at the Oxford High School venue (Belbroughton Road, OX2 6XA) and free parking at Oxford University Sport centre.

  2. Please arrive no more than 10minutes before your lesson is due to begin.

  3. If you are late for a lesson, we may not be able to extend the lesson. The instructor will deliver the remaining time left of the original time.

  4. Your swim instructor will aim to meet you at reception (at Oxford University Sport Centre) before your first lesson to show you the facilities. If this is not possible, and for each lesson after, please let reception know you are attending a private lesson and the staff will let you through to the changing room

  5. At Oxford High, swimmers will need to meet instructors on poolside.

(C) Changing Facilities

  1. Changing rooms will be available to use before and after lesson although we advise that all swimmers still arrive at lessons ‘Swim Ready’ to speed up the start to lessons.

  2. Male and Female Changing facilities will be available to use before and after the lesson for swimmers to change.

  3. We ask that swimmers vacate the changing room no more than 10minutes after the lesson time..

  4. No outdoor shoes are permitted on poolside or in the changing area.

  5. Lockers at Oxford University Sport are only accessible for members so please bring your belongings onto poolside.

  6. At Oxford High, customers can leave belongings in the changing room

(D) Pupil Illness

  1. If you or member of your family is unwell, please do not attend the lesson and let us know.

(E) Medical Information

  1. Swimmer must inform us of any medical information. This should be added at to the booking form you are sent prior to your first lesson. If there are any changes to medical information during a swimmer’s time with us, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can update our records.

(F) Swimming Lesson Programme

  1. Our private lessons are usually held over a 30-minute timeslot although this can increase with prior discussions at time of booking

  2. Private lessons are not visible on our tablets therefore assessment criteria can not be updated. Swim Instructors can still follow the Children or Adult Learn to Swim framework and give you regular updated on progression.

(G) Swimming Lesson Dress Code & Hygiene

  1. All swimmers must wear appropriate clothing; swimming costumes and trunks are a must. These should be tight fitting to reduce drag in the water.

  2. Additional layers such as swim tops are allowed providing they do not hinder the swimmer’s ability in the water.

  3. Goggles and swimming hats are optional.

  4. No jewellery to be worn during the swimming lessons. This includes necklaces, earrings, watches ect. Religious items may be worn providing they are not a hazard the individual swimmer or other swimmers in the class.

Swimming Lesson Payment

  1. All fees for private lessons is due before lessons commence. The lessons can either be booked individually at a cost of £34 per 30minute class or in blocks. There is a block discount when lessons are booked in blocks of 5 at £150.

  2. Payments usually include the one lesson per week and NO access to the swimming pools outside of the lesson time. If you would like to practice you will need to acquire a membership and follow site rules for booking. (This is at Oxford University Sport Centre only. There is no additional swimming at Oxford High).

  3. We ask for at least 12 hours’ notice of cancellation prior to the next lesson. This cancelled lesson will be added to the end of the block or as a credit.

  4. All private lesson bookings must be used within 6 months of purchase

(J) Pool Closure and Cancelled swimming lessons

  1. In the event of a pool closure we will make every attempt to contact our customers as soon as possible. Please monitor emails as they may be sent to ‘Junk’.

  2. Customers that have a lesson cancelled will have the class reallocated to the end of the booked block. Swim Lessons can be rescheduled providing there is 12 hours prior notice. Notice under this time is down to managers discretion to permit.

  3. A full request to cancel all remaining lessons will incur a one lesson notice period deduction with the remaining lesson either offered as a credit for future classes or a refund. The above notice of 12hours is still required.

(K) Missed Lessons

  1. Lesson fees are non-refundable where the swimmer has either missed lessons, out of the 6 month usage window or not given the correct notice period.

  2. In exceptional circumstances Management may exercise discretion on refunds/credits but this would only be on production of a medical certificate or documentation from a medical centre, hospital or GP.



(L) Changing Teacher

  1. Private lessons are usually booked with the same instructor at the same day/time each week. Should an instructor be off due to sickness or annual leave, the swimmer will be contacted prior to see if they are happy to continue with the cover instructor.  

(M) Behaviour & conduct

  1. Please be respectful of the Swim Instructors and other swimmers in the pool environment

(N) Communication

  1. We like to encourage communication and welcome issues to be raised with our staff. If it is not appropriate to talk to the teacher on the day, please do contact us via email or phone on 07423778799. Email is our preferred method of communication.

  2. All swimmers required to supply us with a valid e-mail address for quick communication purposes. 

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